I created a component and decided to immediately add a TestCase to it to check when the application is launched, but the application does not start and even more so does not run.
My file is called SomeComponentsTest.qml
import QtQuick 2.11import QtQuick.Controls 2.4import QtTest 1.2Rectangle { id: root color: "yellow" width: 200 height: 200 radius: 5 signal clicked property int value: 0 onClicked: { root.value++; } Label { id: label objectName: "label" anchors.centerIn: parent font.pixelSize: 24 color: "black" text: root.value; } MouseArea { id: mouseArea objectName: "mouseArea" anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { root.clicked(); } } TestCase { name: "SomeComponentTests" function test_color() { compare(root.color, "yellow") root.color = "#008000"; compare(root.color, "#008000") } function test_size() { compare(root.width, 200) compare(root.height, 200) } function test_label() { compare(label.font.pixelSize, 24); label.font.pixelSize = 44; compare(label.font.pixelSize, 44); } }}
Yes, I know that for tests the prefix should be tst_*.qml
But I have a dissonance in my head when I read the documentation, there is such an example:
Rectangle { width: 640; height: 480 MultiPointTouchArea { id: area anchors.fill: parent property bool touched: false onPressed: touched = true } TestCase { name: "ItemTests" when: windowShown id: test1 function test_touch() { let touch = touchEvent(area); touch.press(0, area, 10, 10); touch.commit(); verify(area.touched); } }}
where for some reason a Rectangle is created before TestCase and I suppose that it is still possible to somehow run TestCase without the tst_*.qml
Do you know anything about this?